The Randrixxxletoff

One day I was walking down the street when I meet an old man with a CD he said "Don't take this or die". But I killed the man because I didn't care. So I put the CD in my computer and a XXX Skeleton (SKELETONXXX) popped out, said "You're next", and pulled me inside of the computer. I later meet PATRIXXX and Jeff and SKELETONS. Then they played Gayle Force Winds 666 times until I died and turned into a XXX-Monster ghost. However I found infrared PATRIXXX and I live again. I smashed the CD, threw it into a lake, polluted the lake, shot a Nuke into it, and sent the polluted water into a black hole. I got sucked up, but I was revived again, so i can continue my trip. But then died again ad it took years to live so you're next if you don't believe this. Nah, I'm joking. But who was the phone? I found out that you were the phone.